Saturday 18 July 2009

Office nearly finished

I've been trying to do some dollshousing every week, and have slowly filled and accessorised the sales counter, office cupboard and sink counter for my Willowcrest quilting and knitting shop. This is situated in the area which is normally the kitchen for the kit, only I cut out the wall into the hall to turn it into the office area for the shop.

This is the office shelf. The laptop and printer are from Jim's Printables site of free printies, as are some of the office products, the calculator and tape dispenser are metal minis I picked up somewhere and painted, the basket of quilting goodies on the bottom shelf came in a swap, the filing box is from Jim's site, I made the in-tray from coffee stirrers.

This is the sales counter. I put together the kit I bought at SIMP in Paris, which is boxes of little cards wound with 'Anchor' tapestry yarn. They are a bit out of scale I think, but look nice as a display in my shop counter. I filled the rest of the shop counter with a gift box display I made from a free cut-out in a magazine, and with ribbon wound onto some of the reels I assembled from a kit by 'Lisa's Little Things'. I glued a tape measure onto the top of the counter for measuring the ribbons at point of sale. Now I need to make a cash register and credit card machine, and paint my plastic telephone to go on top of the counter.

This is the sink counter, which fits under the side window. I had two fridge magnets that looked like a photocopier and a filing cabinet, so I have doctored them up (removed the magnet, covered up or painted out unwanted detail, added accessories). And I made a little curtain to go under the sink, which itself I ripped out of a cheap cabinet and glued on top of a whitewood open-shelf display unit.

This is the nearly completed office, although I have since put down a carpet which looks nice behind the sales counter.

You may remember (if you have been reading older posts) that I had an alcove under the stairs which was going to house the toilet until I realised there wasn't enough headroom. I didn't know what I was going to do with it after that, but looking through an online catalogue for something else, I suddenly had a brainwave and realised a washing machine would fit in there perfectly. Now the staff have somewhere to pre-wash their fabric, wash finished quilts etc.

And here is the state of play. As you can see the office and bathroom are largely finished, the knitting shop is pretty much finished, the quilt shop itself is still in flux, and the attic workshop area is awaiting attention.


Anonymous said...

Wow this is beautiful!! What attention to detail. I can tell that you worked really hard on it! I have a new one (The Willowcrest) in the box that we got before my daughter was born, but didn't realize that this is more of an adult project. She is only 4 so I am selling it for $50 (new is $149)if you know anyone who would be interested. I'm located just north of Atlanta, GA.

Sandra said...

It is looking wonderful! the washing machine under the stairs is a useful idea, the office is full of great details! You are very clever finding appropriate fridge magnets - I must look more carefully at them. The whole thing is looking soooo realistic, you are doing such a good job of it all.